More than 4,000 of 7-11 outlets + online stores (under President Chain Store Corp) + in store catalog book (for pre-order) + various complimentary services = Super Store!Knowing that by just having the 7-11s is insufficient, President Chain Store Corp has gathered a few online storefronts under its umbrella since the past 10 years.

They started with investing in the Amazon of Taiwan - (博客来网络书店) back in year 2000. At the moment, around 90% of orders being made online have preferred to pay and collect at 7-11s, heavily rely on the physical storefront. This at the same time has also encourage sales of other products in the convenience store.

Of course, they have famously joint ventured with Rakuten to setup Rakuten Ichiba (台湾乐天市场 ), a B2B2C site. This is the first Rakuten out of Japan, which also leverages on President Chain Store Corp's strong infrastructure surrounding the 7-11s.

They have also re-acquired unimall (used to be an online catalog site focusing on apparels), revamped and rebranded it to 7net (7net統一超商 / 7-11購物網站). This is a complimentary and acts like a catalog extension to their 7-11 physical outlets, offering products like apparels, healthcare, 3Cs and more.
All storefronts above are backed by Wisdom Distribution Service Corporation (大智通文化行銷), a logistic service provider which is also a company of President Chain Store Corporation.
Read more on WDS and logistics as a whole in this episode.
This is part of the 7-11 Taiwan - Super store on the cloud series.