Guess how much is spending on Google Adwords a month?

According to what Advertising Age had revealed (based on a reportedly leaked Google's internal search-spending-document), Amazon is spending a whooping USD $5.85 million on June 2010 alone. (However, it didn't state whether the amount was for U.S. web searches or Global Searches.)

Interestingly, Ebay only trails Amazon, with a spending of USD $4.25 Million. Do you know Amazon is actually a fierce competitor to Ebay on its 3rd party seller program ?(2 worthy read,Should you sell on Amazon or Ebay & Multi channel Seller Debate: Ebay vs Amazon)? And do you realize that Ebay is becoming more and more Amazon-Like by emphasizing on fixed-price selling on new products?
In 2007, the rivalry became obvious, in which eBay pulled out ad from Google in response to Google's Checkout move (hint, a competitor to PayPal)
You cannot resist to wonder also, Is this (high ad spending) also one of the main reason Amazon's vast products listing is always on the first page of Google SERP? Are they given preferential treatment on top of these factors ? (You tell me!)
Try Google for Samsung 52 inch Plasma TV or The Grand Design (Top selling books by Stephen Hawking, well, actually try search any books title and you will almost find Amazon listed on the first page on Google or Bing's search results.)
This is especially true for those product specific searches with a combination of the brand name + models + buying intent keywords (buy, purchase, shop, order etc).
Apart from this, it also reveals quite some interesting information, including,, actually spent about 1.2 Million in this month alone.. hold on a second, Yellowpages? Yes, isn't it ironic that it is funding the competitor which making it less and less relevant? No wonder Bill Gates is predicting the demise of yellow pages.
If you feel it's too much a waste to throw the printed yellow pages, here's some tips to make good use of it