In 2002, the total of mobile subscriptions has finally surpassed the landlines' subscriptions.
Back in 2011, another 2 significant milestones happened, it signifies the way things are moving forward and beyond.
Milestone 1: Smartphones beat PC shipments
For 1st time ever in 2011, smartphones shipments beats PC shipments ~ 487 Million vs 414 Million, with 73 million more units being sold. (sources:
Milestone 2: E-Books Outsell Print Books at Amazon
Since April 1, Amazon sold 105 books for its Kindle e-reader for every 100 hardcover and paperback books, including books without Kindle versions and excluding free e-books. (sources: Amazon PR)
As for tablet, shipments ia about 60 million units (Apple's ipad account for 40 million) in 2011, projected to be 90~95 million units in 2012 and it will also exceed Desktop PC in 2013 (This year as this post is penned). (sources: Appleinsider)
Amazing isn't it? It is not a surprise that mobile devices like smartphones and tablets is already at the centre of our life, what surprise me the most, is how fast the mobile devices getting adopted and start changing the way we work, play and shop!
What amaze me the most is the iPad - a tablet by Apple which finally CRACK IT. If you give an iPad to a newborn, they intuitively understand how to use it! This totally blows me away. The last time I had such feeling was my first encounter with PC back in 1988.
The impact of mobile adoption to e-commerce industry is undoubtedly huge, these are the few key areas ecommerce merchants are looking into when it comes to adopting mobile strategies into their business - "mobile checkout", "mobile web optimization", "mobile app", "tablet app", "SMS" and "responsive web design".
The mobile is becoming the consumers' Primary Internet Access Device, irregardless of what business you are in, you must have a mobile strategy to survive and thrive.
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